I am now currently painting on a tray.... something very country but again with a washy water-colour effect. Having a wee bit trouble there... but once it's done I'll post it here.... that would then be my first post for 2009...errrr.... if ever it gets finished laaaa ...*sigh* so what else is new huh???? Hehehe.. till then... here's me signing off wishing you... a very Happy New Year... may this new year bring you wealth, health and happiness.... not necessarily in that order ;)
No special reason as to why I still have this blog... maybe it's just to remind me..... that's where and how I started to be where I am now :)
All items shown are hand-painted personally by yours truly... but now I focus on commissioned jobs. So, I do take orders... but the queue is long... sorry :( .... but if you are willing to wait in the queue... I'm more than obliged to paint for you..... It would be an honour!!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last post... for the year
I am now currently painting on a tray.... something very country but again with a washy water-colour effect. Having a wee bit trouble there... but once it's done I'll post it here.... that would then be my first post for 2009...errrr.... if ever it gets finished laaaa ...*sigh* so what else is new huh???? Hehehe.. till then... here's me signing off wishing you... a very Happy New Year... may this new year bring you wealth, health and happiness.... not necessarily in that order ;)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Decorative painting ...
Hopefully... this will help you to understand more about Decorative Painting ;)
"Decorative painting is a diverse art form utilizing a variety of techniques and media to decorate functional and non-functional surfaces.
Because of the systematic methods employed, contemporary decorative painting is a highly teachable art form. The patterns or freehand designs allow a high degree of success without academic training or inherent drawing ability. Approached with creativity, discipline and craftsmanship, contemporary decorative painting offers opportunities for artistic self-expression and creative satisfaction.
The scope of contemporary decorative painting is boundless. Styles and techniques of the past are incorporated into the trends and materials of the present, while developing the decorative art heritage of the future.
Tole painting is the general term historically used to describe decorative painting on tin surfaces, especially in New England and by the Pennsylvania Germans. Contemporary decorative painting encompasses not only the folk art styles of Sweden, Norway, Germany, Russia, England and Mexico, but many facets of Early American decorative painting such as stenciling, faux finishing, bronzing, gold leafing, country painting, theorem and graining."
What the experts say...
Ann Kingslan said that to be a good painter, you need to have 4 things :
- Desire - you can become a good painter if YOU want to be one!
- Dedication - to become good it's very necessary to make the time to PRACTISE
- Determination - it helps you stick with painting and overcome your painting problems with a difference
- Money - ah yes! money.... it enables you to buy quality painting products.... the best that you can afford... don't stinge or scrooge!!!!
- Always take a few minutes to see and assess how much your work has improved over time
- Look for ways you can make it look even better - attend classes with different teachers, look out for workshops, seminars and conventions (local and/or overseas), buy AND read ... can't put more empahasis on that!!! Most of us just buy for the sake of looking at the pics....yup...yours truly falls in that category too muahahaha!!!!
- Simply continue to paint, you'll improve with time and practise (experience is the best teacher!). In the process you are bound to come up with something terrific... believe you me... I'm talking thru experience here!!! Practise! Practise! Practise!!!!
- Bear in mind.... Decorative Painting is a wonderful challenge! Keeps your mind active and away from senility... InsyaAllah (God Willing!).... have fun la...
However, you do need patience. You don't just become a fantastic cook overnight, nor do you immediately paint masterpieces. You need to experiment, and then sit back and evaluate what you've done. Evaluating is what makes you improve.
So there... hopefully, my dear friends.... if you are into decorative painting... bear in mind that patience, perseverance and practise makes you a great painter :)
Happy painting ya....
Sunday, November 30, 2008
These were done on a cutlery box following the techniques of Intarsia..... the cutlery set was done on the inside cover of the box. It was tedious but it was very
Tea sets are also becoming a favourite now. Did a menu board and a welcome plaque depicting tea settings.

*sigh* that's it for now.... as usual... have a great day :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Intarsian Painting anybody?
Although tedious, intarsia is actually a very simple technique to master. It does not require much skill.... just lots of patience and the willingness to spare the time to complete the task. So I was thinking... to those who are willing to give it a shot...why not? Let's give it a try.
So .... I thought I'd run a workshop on this. We'll do intarsia on a tea-box.... at my place....maybe some time next month on a Saturday from 9am-5pm. What say you? I can only accomodate 10 at my home studio.... so please if you are interested... please register your interest here in my blog or email me at norana_g@hotmail.com.
I'll get the sample ready as soon as I finish painting for Lizana... together with the costings and all.... oooooohhhhh I'm already so excited.
Waiting eagerly to your response :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Seni Hias Issue 4
Monday, October 27, 2008
The curse is broken...for now... hahaha

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
YES... more to show off.... muahahaha
Yup!Yup!Yup! Been busy again this week.... painted on cutlery and tea-boxes with roses and intarsian designs. I am very happy with my accomplishments...*blush*blush* tq tq tq.... I know they do look good, don't they??? muahahahahaha.... (how thick-skinned can one get huh????) anyway have a look-see ya... *blush* again.... :D
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Bear-bears on cabinet
Before these mengkuang boxes, I finished a couple more boxes and lazy susans for Zurina. They were also meant for raya hampers. How lucky can the recipients be? I remember those days when hampers came in plastics baskets or plain rattan ones!!! Gift hampers now come in fancy creative containers... more often the containers costing more then the contents itself.... yup!yup!yup! Prior to Zurina's jobs ...I'd painted 2 stools (painted geraniums on 1 and violets on the other), another lazy susan and a tea box for Kak Nomi ... yup! I have been very very busy ;) What you see below are what I'd painted in the past 2 weeks.... I'm happy...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
There's always a reason....
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
We did a demo ;)
OMG.... how time flies... :(
Datin Zainab (centre), Muli and I were teachers in SMK Dato' Harun some 20 years ago. Received an sms from Muli saying that Datin Zainab wishes to meet up with us... teachers and students alike. God... 'lil ole me became excited and readily agreed to meet up hehehe.... Hey... I just met up with my school chums batch '75 last July ... this definitely is another opportunity I'd not miss!!!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
What's new?
A long overdue story ... hehehe
Friday, July 11, 2008
Hehe...we were in the news
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Vicki...you're great..