Struggled to get some trompe l'oeil effect there .... getting ideas from everywhere and finally decided to just put in minimal drawings because I didn't want to hide the faux finish that I'd created and loved ....muahahaha. "Not finished?...and why is it outside and used?" you asked??? Weeellllllll ...that's because I had to clear the house for Raya ...wouldn't want to have an unfinished shoe cabinet in my hall, would I ???(because that's where I painted the cabinet...in my living room hahaha) Anyway ...here is more of it .....

I have yet to put in details on the piece of note paper "attached" on the door. At the moment it appears to be just an empty aged yellowing piece of paper pinned onto the door... so we shall see as to when this piece will really really really be completed .....*sigh again*
....have a great day y'all....
Kak nora, saya suka hasil lukisan k.nora. Mati2 saya igt towel yg tersangkut tu towel btol(dlm ati dok kata, apa k.nora amik gambo perabot tpi towel x alih dulu) rupanye lukisan..huhuhu...tertipu ropanye..
Neway, k.nora I nk jadik anak murid u bley kaaa???
hehe hana tq tq ... itu komen very memberangsangkan... mmg niat nak tipu org ngan lukisan (trompe l'oeil is french...maksudnya "trick of d eye")...klu ada yg t'tipu maknanye akak ada ler berjaya skit hehehe
nak jd student? can... come la.... kecil tapak tgn, nyiru ditadahkan :) Akak di sg penchala...email or call for details ya...
Salam... cikgu... saya suka tengok seme hasil yang kak Nora buat....... semenye cantik2 belake.. buat selalu tau supaya saya dapat cuci mata..
saya pernah join kelas akak masa kat shah alam.. anjuran bersama karangkraft... lama dah..
salaam effa .... tk ya... tapi jgn la stakat tgk2 je... buat la skali. Klu x nnt bazir je apa yg kitorg ajar hehe...
Salam kak nora... cantikkknyaaaa....
lawa nyer.....mmg nmpk real. x sabar nk continue class ;).
salaam liza... salaam zakia...
tq ya... mmg puas lukis gerobok tu, cume blm tahap to d max lagi :)... masih blum lengkap
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