Nope... no paintings to show-off today... nothing is finished yet hehe... BUT I do have something else to show off. I've been blog-hopping these past few days ... (hmm... THAT actually explains why I can't complete my paintings... muahahahaha)... feasting my eyes on the many beautiful items that are collected and cherished.
Anyway...I see sooooo many bloggers that are really into porcelain antiques. Well ... I am not a collector per se ... but I do have some that I'd inherited from my grandma. They were her mother's..... so you can imagine that these items are at least 100 years old. Grandma passed on at 93 and that was way back in 1999... great grandma had them even before grandma was born!!! You do the maths....
Just 2 items for today... will show more later when I have nothing else to show but have the mood to blog hehehe. First item is a small pot .... the body is just slightly bigger than my palm (and my palm IS small!!!) I'm guessing they might have used it as a milk pot ... should have asked grandma what it was used for... but I didn't *sigh*

The other item is a butter dish with a lovely domed-top and a delicately serrated dish. I see no trademarks on both the milk-pot and the butter dish... so I'm guessing they were made to order. *sigh* I wish I'd asked for details ... now it's too late to know the truth behind these antiques :( I was too elated to have them that I didn't bother to ask more.... !!!! ... or maybe I was too naive to understand antiques except for the fact that hey... I have something from great-grandma that my cousins don't hahaha...

Anyway... that's all for today... antique lovers have a feast :) My antiques are family heirlooms... I treasure them... and I hope my kids will cherish them too.... good day y'all
kak nora...bestnya...very rare item lah kak...memang very the classic...kena turunkan kat anak pulak tu kak..jgn jual hhehehe memandai lak aku
zie ... mmg xkan jual insyaAllah... harap2 anak2 pun pandai nak nilai. Ni sume barangan tok moyang sendiri, precious !!! Akak rasa mmg moyang tempah sendiri sbb mmg xde chop2 pape pun kat mane2... xtau la klu moyang yg paint sendiri kot2 hahaha ...
no wonder lah kak nora pun pandai melukis hehehehe...agaknyalah kan manalah tau moyang kak yg lukis sendiri. saya ni pun baru tau ttg teko kotak sbb mak saya tak ada teko kotak mgkn dulu2 kotak ni mahal lah kak sbb tu bukan semua org yg boleh beli. tapi seronok sebenarnya kak tengok barang2 lama ni dapat tengok kak punya pun dah rasa seronok hehehe
hehe .. akak agak je moyang paint sendiri hahaha tapi mmg bende tu pun lukisan tgn... ada lagi brg2 antik moyang n nenek yg akak simpan. Yg akak paling sayang is a soup bowl... anak buah pecahkan basenye [cam nk tercabut jantung masa tu] but i still keep the broken pieces... konon2nye 1 fine day...akak akan tmpalkan smule haha...ntah bile nak buat pun xtau!!! U can see nnt from the cover of the bowl... seni depe zaman dulu mmg halus!
salam k.nora...cantiknya benda tu ...bertuah badan dpt antik secantik tu
salaam nor... tu la kan... AlhamduLillah .... tu yg kite syg sesangat bende tu :))
salam kak nor...aduhhh, terpeson saya tengok teko kotak akak tu.....
hehe cantik kan? dah >100 tahun dh tu.... badannye kecik je...dlm 3" gitu
salam kenal kak nora...
actually selalu saya masuk sini via kak zie's blog..nak komen pun tak pandai pasal painting nie..but i really really adimire all ur paintings incl all ur folk arts..very beautiful..
back to this n3..akak beruntung sangat2 dapat teko kotak nie..saya belum penah nampak @ ingat kat kampung saya orang guna teko kotak..simpan elok2 yer akak..
mintak izin saya link blog akak yea..
Tq Yatt...kalau boleh admire pun dah cukup dah to make me very the kembang happy hehe...
xyah nak mintak izin... link je la :)
salam kak nora...rase this is the 2nd time saya tinggal jejak kt cni...masuk selalu coz admire all yr masterpieces(paintings)..kalau org lain minat teko kotak saya lak mad tgk butterdish tuh..coz i'm a btrdish adala 2..3 ketul..tu pun yg murah2 jer...antik/imported tk share more of yr collection yea...bye..:))
salaam rossana ....hehe jejak banyak2 pun takpe... mmg pun kak nora nak share ngan yg berminat.
unfortunately my collection x banyak... i don't go looking for antiques. What i have are all heirlooms... akak cucu sulong dr anak bongsu nenek... so brg2 nenek n moyang dah banyak xde, diambil oleh my anuties yg lain :( adalah a few more items... nnt bile senang i will post kat sini k :)
i like your 'kitty in bowl'. nora you are good at art..dulu kat u kenapa ambil bio. Your granny pun minat art i still remember she was telling me something about the cloud outside the was in english..susah nak tiru cakap nenek.
hahaha ... tq amin...susah nak dpt pujian tu ...
I took bio for lack of guidance , not sure of what I wanted to do w my life. It was just a matter of going w the flow ... didn't even know I could paint!!! Art classes in school were of no help to access my skill either haha ...
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