I have been very busy lately trying to complete the various commissioned jobs ... Alhamdullilah for the bounty that Allah has provided me. My last major job for 2011 was a 5-ft tall open cabinet that kak Masnah has conveniently converted as a divider too .... hence the reason why the painting was done at the back of the cabinet! It now stands tall and proud in her living room :)
Took me 2 months to mull over the design ... changing ever so often in my mind's eye ... until one fine day, it suddenly dawned on me (picture this : light bulb flashing in the brain hehe) that I should just paint a watery scenery since kak Masnah specifically requested to maintain the original blue of the cabinet.
Again, my paintings are a product of inspiration ... and this time Jacqueline Penney is the source :) So ... a painting of a calm, serene watery landscape was completed after 3 weeks of hard work.

The cabinet as viewed from the left, centre and right

I have also painted flowers on two bins ... a veeeeeeery long wait for Marina for me to complete these for her. Sorry dear ...
So ..that's it for now ... am lost for words... seems to have been experiencing a writer's block for many many moons now ...*sigh
1 comment:
Puan Nora.Saya xada no contact puan n dh xingat mcmna nk pergi rumah puan.dulu saya pergi naik bus n teksi.harap email saya - mawarmerah@gmail.com
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