Yup! That's it for today .... need to go back to my studio... on-going preparation for the workshop in March :)
When you have faith in yourself.... anything is possible
I'm starting a workshop in Penang sometime in May. Am still in the midst of discussion and negotiation for venue and will have all finalised, God Willing, by next week... so keep checking my blog here for details ya ;)
What's in it for you? Decorative Painting is for all who has the interest in painting but lack the in-borne talent for it ... thus the reason we learn the techniques to attain the skill. So have no fear, Nora is here to guide you through the process. Do not be intimidated... we all have to start somewhere, right???
Anyway, from this project, you will learn
I'm also looking for anybody who'd be interested to help me organise this workshop in their area. Email me at norana_g@hotmail.com or call me at 013-2770425. My contact in Penang is Ira (013-2725496)
I am excited ... hoping that this dream will materialise :))