This was a pen-n-wash I did many many many moons ago....something like 24 moons or so.... Left it undone because there was that lilttle centre plate on the top shelf that I didn't quite like... thus left it as it was until....God-knows-when-la... hahaha. Well anyway.... the 'when' came recently due to a miscommunication I had with Lizana. The plaque I made for her initially was sold to Jelina because I thought Lizana decided not to take it (NB : never close a deal via sms... always call to confirm!!!!) After 2 weeks of silence, she came to collect.... o-oh... o-oh....o-oh...waaaaaa!!!! It was a gift for a friend's cafe... and her friend is already going back to Jakarta the next day... she'd told her friend that she'd got somthing special for her... and I have no time to paint another!!!! Oh dear!Oh dear!Oh dear!!! To cut short the story... I completed the pen-n-wash within the day.... and now it hangs proudly in Lizana's friend's cafe ... in Jakarta ;)

The fruit tray is a duplicate I made for another customer. She wanted my sample but I wasn't willing to depart with it... so I made her another one... only to discover that she'd changed her mind. So it stood on the shelf for 5 long years.... until one day... Zaiyan took it with her as a gift for Ashraf's engagement ceremony in Jakarta..... hmm Jakarta again eh?
The 2 events jolted my memory to a quote by a famous artist (trust my memory... I can't recall his name *sigh*...) He said that one must never devalue one's art pieces just because it doesn't get sold. Leave it be... it's actually waiting for the right owner to claim it... and I now believe that!!!! These 2 items hold testimony to the truth ;)