For the past month or so, I've been concentrating on completing a set of gift boxes and tray stands for kak Masnah's son's wedding this July. It's tedious, requiring full focus and concentration and I'm now up to my last piece. Each piece is an individual ...different from the next but are all tied up with a similar concept. They definitely require my full attention and demands my creative juices to flow. Today... I'm feeling the strain down my back, neck and shoulders... but I'm satisfied with my work as is kak Masnah too. This last piece is however a killer.... I stare and dream about the design and finally today... I've an inkling of an idea of what I want to do with it. Unfortunately... I'm not able to show them to you yet... until permission is granted by kak Masnah ... sorry ....

However ... in between sessions of the "secret" project ... hehe... I have managed to divert from my usual mode of painting. I painted lemons on a jug-shaped kitchen towel holder .. a design that was inspired by Ros Stallcup. I have always loved Ros's style of painting ... especially her sceneries. It is ... not varnished yet (...but of course!) ... but yours truly here feels that need to show-off again ... muahahahahaha *evil laughter haha* ... so here goes nothing ;) It's a belated gift ...yup!yup!yup! ... who for??? *lalalalalaalala.... keep guessing...
Have a great week ahead ya....