Had a fantastic day yesterday... it was a gathering of 13 schoolmates at Ja's. Spent almost the whole day from 10am up to 5.00pm just being crazy with them.... making one helluva noise filled with screeches of girlish laughter and loud talking trying to outdo the other just to be heard above the din hahaha... (that's what Ja's daughter, Dina, said ... NOISE... us aunties were making too much noise she couldn't cope with... hahahaha). Anyway... it was potluck and food was abundant... hahaha... my darling friends forfeited their diet for the day....
May Lee came back from USA... and this gathering was especially for her... see May Lee, we love you so much... that we were willing to sacrifice Saturday just for you. Unfortunately... I have no photos to show as my camera totally kaput on me. However...I have inherited a Sony Digital Still Camera from May Lee (bless her... lucky me... Alhamdulillah). It was a spare she had that she'd not used for quite some time... and thus decided to let me have it, on condition I post her pics taken from it... a simple enough request I cannot reject. Thank you dear.... I shall cherish it.
I will post pics of the gathering later... I shall grab some from Ja's and May Lee's Facebook once they have them posted. In the meantime... I have to go look for a suitable plug for the charger as the plug is not compatible with our sockets here. I have done quite a fair bit of painting lately... will post them later once I get the camera batteries charged....
Have a great day ya....
P/S : finally uploaded a pic taken from Ja's album :)
May Lee came back from USA... and this gathering was especially for her... see May Lee, we love you so much... that we were willing to sacrifice Saturday just for you. Unfortunately... I have no photos to show as my camera totally kaput on me. However...I have inherited a Sony Digital Still Camera from May Lee (bless her... lucky me... Alhamdulillah). It was a spare she had that she'd not used for quite some time... and thus decided to let me have it, on condition I post her pics taken from it... a simple enough request I cannot reject. Thank you dear.... I shall cherish it.
I will post pics of the gathering later... I shall grab some from Ja's and May Lee's Facebook once they have them posted. In the meantime... I have to go look for a suitable plug for the charger as the plug is not compatible with our sockets here. I have done quite a fair bit of painting lately... will post them later once I get the camera batteries charged....
Have a great day ya....
P/S : finally uploaded a pic taken from Ja's album :)