Ita and husband
Mizi decided to have a difference in their brand of furniture... they are diverting from the usual white sets that one can easily get. So green is their theme now... I believe they'll soon have a blue one too apart from the usual white.... and I am just one of the few artists that they have commissioned to paint on their sets. Thank you Ita and Mizi for the faith and trust that you have in me. I pray you great success in your endeavours.....
Here... again... I shall show you the results of my effort the whole of this week :) The swivel bin, key holder and picnic hamper together with a tray, tissue holder, multi-purpose caddy, single and double switch plate covers and a small wall plague .... all in a week's work ... strained shoulders and neck inclusive muahahaha...
As usual... I don't have my paintings right in the centre on every side of the bin. The roses are spread all over the bin creating ... as what my sifu taught me years ago... a story. Sandie's style of drawing has rubbed on me. She taught me to diversify and not paint conventionally or in a standard manner with things right smack in the centre or symetrically placed at all four corners or all in a row or whatever !!!
So here... I have my roses 'dancing' from one end to the other, peeping around corners, or hanging top down or climbing bottom up and so forth. Even in nature... nothing is symmetrical... yes???
This key holder has roses painted mainly on the front... with the ends lightly trailing around the corners (not shown here... don't know why I didn't take pics of the 2 sides... but nevermind... you may use your power of imagination to visualise that ... haha). Again you will notice... although the roses are focussed on the front... there is still no symmetry there :) la la laaa.....
The bird-house tissue holder... again with roses all over.... from the top downwards, from bottom upwards
meeting here and there :)
The multi-purpose caddy has roses around the opposite corners... this one is also
... I repeat ALMOST ya... so look closely... they appear similar but not the same hehehe
Hmm... just realised that I'd taken a pic of this tray before I'd completed it. Actually had small roses along the outer sides all round too .... ahhhh... anyway ....
And finally... the switch plate covers and the plaque. Too lazy to upload each and every plate... after all they are just roses hahaha. Anyway... you can always click on the pic to get a close-up view of each item...
Right... that's it for this batch. Still have a few more to paint ... but more in white now. In the mean time... I'll get down to another long-awaited project first. Gee... if you are reading this... your "kendi" is next ;) ... had them base coated already... waiting for the flowers to "bloom" on them soon.... InsyaAllah will get them ready by next week... sorry for the delay...
So till we meet again... have a great day... muahx3
Salam Nora.
Take your time to do my kendis. Just give me something that would make me cry out loud.
Aduuuiiii .... that's a statement I most fear !!!! Now pn dh rasa cam tension hahaha .... what if at d end of d day ..... d kendi is not up to expectation ???????????? Aiyaiyaiyaaa
hi Nora. I am Tia Mia's mama, we are very proud to display the beautiful wall plaque at our new home, its definitely gonna contribute to serenity to the house. I put a picture of it in my blog,many admirers:) that i have ended up asking yr web address from nery and sent to those requested. I hope to bring more of your beautiful works to my house in the future.
Hi mama Tia Mia... glad u loved the piece. It was an emergency piece hehe... anyway... would love to hear from u soon. I am definitely deeply honoured to have my works grace ur house. Btw... u have a beautiful place... saw that on ur blog :)
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