It's mine... mine... mine muahahahahaha
I do think I deserve to treat myself... and so here is my current on-going project... as and when the mood takes me there i.e. .... hahaha. I have this fridge that lasted me 13 y
ears until finally it decided to retire and expire.
I managed to coax dear hubby to get a new one to replace good-old faithful... but of course I have my reason for that... hey... I don't let things go to waste. You see, since I'd developed an interest in gardening... I'd accumulated a fair bit of tools and knick-knacks ... and I don't have the storage space to hide the mess. So... this is a very timely demise of my fridge... I'd converted it into a gardener's "shack" hahaha ... ain't I clever???? *clap*clap*clap* ... thank you thank you thank you... muahahahaha... anyway... the painting has just begun... but the ideas have vanished into thin air as I'd to stop and focus on other paintings... but I shall get back to it... so stay tuned ya hehe
I do think I deserve to treat myself... and so here is my current on-going project... as and when the mood takes me there i.e. .... hahaha. I have this fridge that lasted me 13 y
I managed to coax dear hubby to get a new one to replace good-old faithful... but of course I have my reason for that... hey... I don't let things go to waste. You see, since I'd developed an interest in gardening... I'd accumulated a fair bit of tools and knick-knacks ... and I don't have the storage space to hide the mess. So... this is a very timely demise of my fridge... I'd converted it into a gardener's "shack" hahaha ... ain't I clever???? *clap*clap*clap* ... thank you thank you thank you... muahahahaha... anyway... the painting has just begun... but the ideas have vanished into thin air as I'd to stop and focus on other paintings... but I shall get back to it... so stay tuned ya hehe
kak nora cantiknyeeee
Assalamualaikum..Kak Nora..Salam perkenalan.
Saya suka tgk hasil2 akak..cantik2nye..and thanks for the idea of utilizing old fridge sebab saya ada satu simpan belakang rumah..tersadai ,hujung minggu ni,pujuk abgnye tolak ke depan rumah jadi tempat simpan brg2 pertanian dia yg bersepah depan rumah..tapi tak pandai saya decoupagekan jelah..jemput ke blog saya ye
p/s:plan hujung minggu ni nak mula belajar folk art jugak..bolehlah mintak tunjuk ajar ye...
Annor : time kasih hehe... tp tu blm abis lg tau... baru set background for my garden scene ... tuuuungguuuuu ya ;)
Affeen : salam p'kenalan juga ya. Time kasih atas pujian... am glad I've given u ideas. Decoupage pn cantik gak... xde masalah pun.
Actually akak kurang minat ngan folk art... lebih suke pada decorative painting krn gaya lukisan lebih free n more realistic :) anyway... slamat m'cube ya....
Ohh..kenapa saya baru tahu folk art tak sama ngan decorative paint??nampak sgt memang bukan org seni..he..he..decorative painting ni kena ada bakat semulajadi ke atau skill yg boleh belajar?Kalau bakat ..takde..kalau skill,saya sanggup belajar..-Affeen-
Decorative painting is a branch of Folk Art... kite kne belajar the same stroke works first. Tak perlu ada talent atau specific skills... yg perlu hanya minat, tekun n sabar je.... n duit sbb hobby ni agakla mahal haha
Salam Nora.
Such a great idea to paint your fridge. I did something to my fridge also with my beloved late husband masa dekat raya. Make kan fridge tu. Kami lekatkan wall paper. Maklumlah dah buruk dan berkarat. Nak buang sayang sebab ia masih berfungsi dengan baik. Dua tahun berturut2 kami buat cam tu. Btw, cam ner ngan projek kita?
Salaam Gee... thought of starting ur kendis 2day if time and strength permits... m now painting on furniture... will be doing urs in between sessions of painting. A bad habit of mine... I'll touch 'n go from project to project haha. Btw Gee... pls... leave me ur cntact again pls. My hp kaputed on me... n i lost almost all nmbers
salam k.nora...
salam p'kenalan dr ayu.ekceli ayu slalu melawat blog akak sbb suka sgt tgk hasil keje akak yg cantik2 tu.kagum sgt2 dgn kebolehan yg akak ada.slalu rasa jeles bila tgk hasil keje org yg tip top mcm akak ni.iiskkk...plan nak attend class folkart tp buat masa ni lom b'kesempatan lg.harap2 dlm masa t'dekat ni dpt la gi kelas tu.
btw...thanks for ur brilliant idea (recycle old fridge) sbb ayu ada 1 fridge comel dok t'peruk kat blkg umah tu.dr tak buat apa n buruk mcm tu je,leh gak make up bg cun n dijadikan tmpt simpan brg kan.ayu tak pandai melukis so ayu rasa ayu pun akn buat sama mcm affeen gak le,decoupage kan je.
hm...utk b/ground color tu akak guna cat apa? spray ke?
Salaam ayu... akak gune cat acrylic gak, the same type yg akak gune utk my usual painting ... but I need to prepare permukaannye dule sebab nak buat painting... tapi kalu nak decoupage je, blh gune apa cat pun.
Hehe.. elokla jeles... boleh jd sumber motivasi dan inspirasi utk mula buat decorative painting plak :) InsyaAllah... when there's a will, there's always a way
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