I am proud to declare that these roses and the asparagus fern came from my own garden :)
I have been busy gardening... and I now have quite a fair bit of potted plants leading to the entrance... and a few new ones that I'd planted in the flower beds in the garden. Last weekend, Aida and I spent quality time together... weeding!! hahaha she coudn't say no because it was a deal we made. She wanted to go to Central Market to get her name tag done... but CM is not a place I'd like to go... so I made a deal with her. "OK... we shall go to CM... but you have to help me weed first in the morning".... muahahahaha... who can say NO to that, huh??? Clever mama .... muahahahaha.
Anyway... I now have burgundy, scarlet red, pale violet, yellow, white and a batik red-yellow mini rose plants.... don't know why... but I suddenly have the urge to start a rose garden. 2 are in pots, 3 in the ground and 1 will be later transplanted in the bed sometime today ;P
My paintings??? Nay... they are not on hold... I'm still doing them... s-l-o-w-l-y but SURELY!!! hahaha... my tiger lilies are almost done... will show them off soon ya...taa... gtg... have a great day... muahx3
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