Another small group... but it was worth it. With these small groups I gained experience on how to teach roses within the stipulated period. Alhamdulillah...with these four beautiful ladies (3 of whom were really really really really inexperienced as in had never touched a brush let alone done a stroke of any sort!) ... I learned to deal with time and techniques to ensure that all could complete their project in time ... and this time, I had 20mins to spare :)

Well ladies, I hope you enjoyed the experience. Yes... it's not that easy ... but yeah! it's not impossible either ...right? It goes to show that, all that is needed is passion and perseverance ... and of course practice!!! (that goes without saying!!!) Thank you ladies ... for making me believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart to it :)

Well ladies, I hope you enjoyed the experience. Yes... it's not that easy ... but yeah! it's not impossible either ...right? It goes to show that, all that is needed is passion and perseverance ... and of course practice!!! (that goes without saying!!!) Thank you ladies ... for making me believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart to it :)