It was a small group of six enthusiastic painters ... Syakireen and Monalisa (both from Melaka), Azie from Putrajaya, Kak Wan (from Kelana Jaya), Zaiyan (from TTDI) and Akmam (last minute entry from .... errrr... I forgot....sorry dear :(
They come with varied experiences ... from the totally fresh to the more experienced ones .... but I know we had fun and everything was completed within the time stipulated.... except for Kak Wan who had to stop earlier because she had to go to KLIA and Zaiyan who had to take a longer lunch break because she had to attend to urgent matters back home :)) However they will continue to complete later in a normal class.
Silly me however, forgot to take group pics but I do have some to show as they were painting :)

Zaiyan together with Azilah and kak Wan (below) .... proving a point that being a senior citizen is never a hindrance to indulge in one's desires ;))

Some of the ladies with their finished paintings ... a first at still life for all of them ;))
They have asked what's the next workshop ... maybe I'll do lace work on a box next ... hmmmm
Would you like to join?