*Sigh* ... painting mode ...OFF. Been pottering around in my garden... presumably giving TLC to my plants (hahaha! big joke!!!) ... yup! my poor neglected pathetic looking plants ... guilty as charged!!!! ...
Anyway... will show you my garden later ya... am slowly but surely giving it a face lift, adding more colour here and there. It's like a weekly affair now... there will be something different somewhere somehow ... minor but yeah! different ...hehehe
Age is also definitely catching up with me. Am not as energetic as I used to be. If my mornings are spent in the garden or filled with classes... then, by afternoon I'm almost listless ... and by nightfall... I'm DEFINITELY lifeless, seeking the comfort of the bed for an early night!!! Oh well ... life goes on.. anyway, for now... I only have this plague to show off.
Had it base-coated almost a year ago... but left it alone for lack of ideas. Roses were the order of the day... but somehow the mood never came. For one thing, the base was a colour I had experimented with. Loved the effect but since it's a unique colour (don't ask me what colour I used ok... errr can't remember hehehe!!!), I found trouble in getting the correct colour tone for the roses. SUDDENLY a few days back... I had the urge and just followed my heart... and frankly... I love the look. Very pastel, romantic tones to match the background. 20 minutes!!! That was all that was needed to paint the roses... and to think that I left it alone for a year!!!! Sheeeshhhh!!!!! (what else is new huh???) However... the look is not complete. I'll have to give it back to the rightful owner as she'd like to paint in the letterings herself.... over to you, Ita
So now, I need to seek the ON button again... have two major projects to complete before end of month... YIKES!!!!!
Have a great weekend y'all .... nora over n out!