I laid off painting a tad too long... *sigh* ... it was extremely difficult to get back into momentum!!! Told myself I'd only take a week's break after Raya...but other unforseen things had to happen ...and my painting was not happening la!!! ...errr does that sentence make any sense??? muahahaha.... never mind...it's the writer's block again.... lost for words...

Anyway...finally...TODAY... I completed 1 and is already half way through the other. Unfortunately, the pic I took with my phone camera is not sharp enough. Where's my camera? Oh well...it is at the moment in Penang with Syakirah :( and won't be with me until she comes back after her finals. *sigh* Anyway...here's the basket of flowers that broke the curse of the lazy bones... muahahaha
Hehe...that's all I have for now. Have a good day...